Monday, January 14, 2008

Good Intentions

When I started this blog, it was my intent to begin on January 1 and post every night on my particular journey.

Well, it's early in the morning now of January 15th, and this is my third post.

So much for the Best Intentions.

And that, as much as anything, is exactly why I started this blog. You see, over the course of the last two weeks, I have found a reason, almost every night, NOT to post to this blog. In effect, NOT to take care of this one aspect of my mental health. Some of the reasons have been good--like a screaming infant--and some not quite so good--like spending too much time working on my political blog.

And that's why this blog is going to become so important to me: because I need to take the time to take care of my mental -ness. I need to find a good reason to post to this site every night.

And how many of us do just what I've done these two weeks? How many of us have the great intentions, but when the rubber meets the road, we just don't prioritize our mental health enough to take care of it? And, for that matter, not just our mental health . . .

Yeah, all you New Years' resolvers out there know I'm talking to you.

So I'll keep working to take care of this little blog. And you out there in the blogosphere--you take care of your business, too. Together, we'll all be a little better in a few months.

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